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Previously, people that were taking Cardarine alone experienced a gradual decrease in their fat cells, but they also had to grapple with the fact that they would also be losing some musclemass as a result for about a month. That's a pretty good tradeoff." This is the second study published in the journal Science. Here's the first—based on a similar study—that looked at the effects of two medications on the fat cells. A larger study was recently published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, finding that people taking Metformin had similar weight loss results as people who take a combination of metformin and statins. The other study, published at the Endocrine Society's 2012 meeting, is a more controlled study in which researchers examined how low-calorie diet soda affects the fat cells of rats over a number of days. This isn't a good comparison because of the difference between rats and humans, and that's an important distinction in terms of diet soda and weight loss. Although the study, in which scientists took six rats out of a group and six out of a control group and fed them a high-carb diet and two different diets, found "strong evidence of a potential association" between both diets and fat cells levels, the investigators admit this only showed "a strong correlation" in rats, not humans, and didn't reveal much. "There is a certain level of uncertainty and potential confounding that is inherent in the diet soda study, in terms of not controlling for the other factors," says lead researcher Dr. Michael Eades of University College, London's Centre for Metabolic and Anthropometric Research. Another problem, he says, is the lack of control over caloric intake, as well as the fact that both diets were artificially low calorie, so it's unknown if the difference in fat cells levels is really there. More research is needed on these issues before any conclusions can be reached, but these new results from scientists in the study suggest that there are some good reasons to start considering other weight-loss options besides sugar-sweetened soda. Related Article: